
SimplyRestfulRouteHandler Sample

MvcContrib is packed with quite a few gems. One of these is the SimplyRestfulRouteHandler, a route utility created by Adam Tybor.

Using the SimplyRestfulRouteHandler, the following 10 Routes are assigned to the 8 Actions below.
(Blatantly lifted from Adam's site)

ActionUrlHttp MethodForm Method

The route handler is surprisingly easy to use, but it can be tricky to set up if you are not familiar with the new method signatures of the latest MVC source code refresh.

I created a sample app based on the MVC HomeController that highlights the 8 actions defined by the SimplyRestfulRouteHandler. To follow along, you will need the 4/16 MVC source code refresh (build 0416) and the 4/19 release of the MvcContrib library (

First you should create a new 'ASP.NET MVC Web Application' project from the 'My Templates' portion of the 'New Project' dialog. If you use the template of the same name under the 'Visual Studio installed templates' portion, you will be using the latest official release of MVC and not the source code refresh.

In the global.asax.cs file, replace the RegisterRoutes method with the following.

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

This will allow the route handler to build all 10 routes for you, based on templates listed in the table above.
Next we open the HomeController.cs file and add the corresponding actions.

public ActionResult Show(string id)
ViewData["Title"] = "Show";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will <em>Show</em> resource " + id;

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult Create()
ViewData["Title"] = "Create";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will <em>Create</em> a new resource";

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult Update(string id)
ViewData["Title"] = "Update";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will <em>Update</em> resource " + id;

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult Destroy(string id)
ViewData["Title"] = "Destroy";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will <em>Destroy</em> resource " + id;

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult Index()
ViewData["Title"] = "Index";
ViewData["Message"] = "This is the <em>Index</em>";

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult New()
ViewData["Title"] = "New";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will create a <em>New</em> resource";

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult Edit(string id)
ViewData["Title"] = "Edit";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will <em>Edit</em> resource " + id;

return RenderView("Index");

public ActionResult Delete(string id)
ViewData["Title"] = "Delete";
ViewData["Message"] = "This will <em>Delete</em> resource " + id;

return RenderView("Index");

For this sample app, all we really want to do is simply display a brief message letting us know which action the user wanted to take. The generated 'Index.aspx' view is fine for this, so we can set the viewName parameter of the RenderView() method to "Index" for all actions, as shown above.

Now we have just about everything we need. Let's move on to the 'Site.Master' file and enable the user to generate all 8 actions via click events.

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master"
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Create.aspx.cs"
Inherits="RestfulSample.Views.Home.Index" %>

<asp:Content ID="indexContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<%= ViewData["Message"] %>
To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit
<a href="http://asp.net/mvc" title="ASP.NET MVC Website">

Now we have just about everything we need. Let's move on to the 'Site.Master' file and enable to user to generate all 8 actions via click events.

<ul id="menu">
<li> <%= Html.ActionLink("Show GET", "Show", "Home", new { @id="1" }) %> </li>
<li> <%= Html.ActionLink("Index GET", "Index", "Home")%> </li>
<li> <%= Html.ActionLink("New GET", "New", "Home")%> </li>
<li> <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit GET", "Edit", "Home", new { @id = "1" })%> </li>
<li> <%= Html.ActionLink("Delete GET", "Delete", "Home", new { @id = "1" })%> </li>
<form action="<%= Url.Action("Create", "Home") %>" method="post" >
<a onclick="parentNode.submit();">Create POST</a>
<form action="<%= Url.Action( "Update", "Home", new { @id = "1" }) %>" method="post" >
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put" />
<a onclick="parentNode.submit();">Update POST</a>
<form action="<%= Url.Action( "Destroy", "Home", new { @id = "1" }) %>" method="post" >
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete" />
<a onclick="parentNode.submit();">Destroy POST</a>

If you were watching closely, you should have noticed that the POST events have a hidden input element named "_method" who's value is an HTTP method (PUT or DELETE). Well, most browsers don't support these two methods so we sometimes need a clever way of initiating these requests. Adam was kind enough to wire up our Destroy and Update Actions so that they fire when the route manager receives standard HTTP PUT and DELETE methods OR when it receives a browser-friendly HTTP POST request with a PUT or DELETE "_method" defined.

Next we need to make the form elements of our menu look pretty, so we add the following to our 'Site.css' file.

ul#menu li form
display: inline;
list-style: none;

And that's all there is to it. You should be able to launch the application and click on all of the menu items to generate any of the 8 RESTful actions.

You can download the complete source for this sample project here.


Lance Fisher said...

Great write-up! This was badly needed for RESTful Routing, which, IMO, is the only way to go for URL routing in MVC. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I am going to try this out!
Thanks a lot,

Kevin Ortman said...

Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it!

Colin Jack said...

I'm confused, why is HTTP GET used to trigger a "delete" but HTTP DELETE is used for a "destroy"?